
Student Records & Registration


Rowan-Cabarrus Community College operates on a grade-point system, and each student’s academic standing is established by a Grade-Point Average (GPA) determined by numerical values assigned to each grade. At the end of each semester, students will access final grades via My Navigator based on the following Scale. Health programs and Developmental Studies courses are graded on a variation of this scale.

Students enrolled in Associate Degree Nursing, Practical Nursing, Dental Assisting, Radiography, Occupational Therapy Assistant, and Physical Therapist Assistant programs should refer to the specific  program webpage for the numerical grade required in related courses. Each program will list the required minimum grade for admission to and continuation in the program. All health program students should refer to the specific program handbook regarding the minimum grade to be earned for program progression.

In Developmental Studies courses, a grade of 80 or above is required for satisfactory completion. The North Carolina Community College System has established this minimum standard for satisfactory completion of developmental courses. Students earning numerical grades below 80 will receive the grade of “R” (Repeat) and must register again for the course. Developmental Studies courses are noncredit courses and are not included in the Grade-Point Average (GPA).

Grade Appeal Policy

If a student believes they have been assigned an inaccurate or unfair grade for an in-course grade or final course grade, they must email the faculty member within 5 business days or the student will forfeit any appeal, and the grade will not change.

Once the faculty member has received the request for a review, the faculty member and the student have 5 business days to reach an informal resolution. If the decision is made to change the grade, the faculty member will be responsible for processing the change.

If resolution is not reached, the student may proceed through the Formal Review of an In-Course Grade procedure. To initiate the formal review procedure, the student must submit a written request within 5 business days using the grade appeal request form.

Grade Appeal Procedure (B600.00.70.01.TTT)

Grade-Point System in Curriculum Courses

As detailed in the College’s Grading Standards Procedure (B600.00.50.01.BB), students are graded according to the following grade-point system in all curriculum courses. The below chart lists courses that are calculated in the student GPA.

Grade % Description Quality Points per Semester Hour
A 90 – 100% Excellent 4
B 80 – 89% Good 3
C 70 – 79% Average 2
D 60 – 69% Below Average 1
F Less Than 60% Failing 0

Grade of Failing (F)

Student did not meet the minimum objectives of the course. If a student or faculty did not officially request withdrawal on or before the 65% point of the semester, the student will receive the grade earned.

Grading Not Calculated in GPA

Students in developmental English, Reading or Math are graded according to the following system. These courses are not calculated in the student GPA.

Grade % Description Quality Points per Semester Hour Notes
P 80% or Higher Passed 0 Student successfully completed requirements in the subject module.
R Less than 80% Repeat 0 Student must repeat all or portions of the subject module. Students must register again.
CC Course Completed 0 Student successfully completed defined portion of a DMS/DMA (Math) shell course.

Additional Grades Not Calculated in GPA

Below are additional grades that will not by used in calculating the grade-point average.

Grade % Description Quality Points per Semester Hour Notes
I Incomplete 0 Student did not complete objectives of the course due to unusual circumstances; requires an agreement between instructor and student, and work must be completed by end of the next term.
IE Incomplete Emergency 0 Incomplete during a declared emergency situation.
W Withdraw 0 Student officially withdrew after the census date and before the 65% point of the semester.
WE Withdraw Emergency 0 Student withdraws during a declared emergency situation.
AU Audit/No Credit Earned 0 Student registered for the course without receiving a grade.
CE Credit by Examination 0 Student must register for the course.
TR/XT External Transfer Credit 0 Course is not computed in the GPA, but is calculated for determining graduation requirements.

Grade of Incomplete (I)

Students who need extra time to complete the objectives of a course because of unusual circumstances such as extended sickness or hospitalization may receive a letter grade of “I” (Incomplete). The student and the instructor must agree via a contract in advance of the end of the term, all work to be completed no later than the contracted date or the end of the next academic term. The “I” is computed in the Grade Point average as “0” quality points. However, when a student completes the provisions necessary for the removal of an “I”, the “I” will be removed from the student’s record and replaced by the grade earned. The affected GPA will then be recomputed using the grade earned. Failure to meet the provisions for removing the “I” will result in an “F” at the end of the next academic term.

Grade of Incomplete Emergency (IE)

This grading option is only invoked at the direction of the NCCCS and the College during declared emergency situations, and may be revoked when no longer required. Students may receive up to one year to successfully complete course requirements. There is still a form, and there must be agreement between the teacher and the student on the material to be completed and the timeframe to get the work completed.

Grade of Withdraw (W)

Students who withdraw or are withdrawn from a course on or prior to the 65% point for any reason, including the attendance policy, will be assigned a grade of “W”. In accordance with the North Carolina Community College refund policy, tuition refunds are only permitted up to the 10% of each semester/term.

Grade of Withdraw Emergency (WE)

This grading option is only invoked at the direction of the NCCCS and the College during declared emergency situations, and may be revoked when no longer required. Students having a compelling reason to withdraw from the class are allowed to do so until the end of the class.

Grade of Audit (AU)

Students who wish to audit courses must register for those courses. If an audit is not declared at the time of registration, students must obtain approval from the instructor of the class and submit a drop/add withdrawal to student services for processing by the end of the 10% point of the semester. Students auditing courses receive no credit but are encouraged to attend class, participate in discussions and take examinations. Normal attendance policies will apply. Students withdrawing during the semester will be given a grade of “W.” Fees for audits are the same as for regular enrollment. Academic credit is not earned for audited coursework. Therefore, any audited coursework will not be considered for transfer credit toward any other RCCC program. Audited courses are not eligible for transfer credit to another institution.

The North Carolina Community College System established policies that permit senior citizens to audit courses without payment of tuition. Senior Citizens auditing a course will still have to pay or applicable fees for that course. If a senior citizen wants to take a class for credit, they must pay the appropriate tuition and fees. An individual is considered a senior citizen if they are at least 65 years old as of the first day of the course section. The individual must provide proof of age through a driver’s license, state identification card, or other government-issued document.  


Grade of Credit by Examination (CE)

View Procedure B600.00.50.01.Z Credit By Examination.

Students enrolling at the college who believe they are proficient in a subject due to Continuing Education Units (CEUs), life experiences or professional certifications may request credit by examination. The examination may be written, oral, a performance test, or a combination of these.

To seek credit by examination, a student should obtain guidance from his/her faculty advisor, approval from the program head of the course in question, and must be registered for the course for which credit by examination is sought. The examination for credit must be administered by the instructor during the first eight class days of the semester. Fees for credit by examination are the same as for regular enrollment. If the examination is completed satisfactorily with a grade of “C” or better, the instructor will then complete a “Credit By Examination” form and forward it to the Office of the Registrar for a grade of “CE” to be awarded. A student who is unsuccessful with the examination may not request a second attempt but may remain in the course through completion of the semester. The decision of the examining faculty is final.

Credits earned by examination will be entered on the student’s permanent record, but quality points will not be awarded for such credit. Hours earned by credit by examination will not be used to satisfy VA or Pell Grant requirements. Hours earned by credit by examination are not transferable to other colleges. For further information, contact the program head of your area of study or the Student Services Office. Students receiving financial aid, scholarships or third party payment of tuition are responsible for checking with the Financial Aid Office before requesting Credit by Examination.

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